Caller Program

Providing Care and Connection, One Conversation at a Time!

At Edmonton Meals on Wheels, we believe in nourishing not only bodies but also the spirit of community. Our Friendly Caller Program is a testament to this belief, offering participants the opportunity to enjoy conversation and connection with an empathetic listener.

Building Bridges Beyond Meals

Our office serves as a supportive hub, reaching out to individuals who may be experiencing isolation, whether physical or social. We go beyond delivering meals to create meaningful connections, acting as a bridge to city and provincial support agencies. But more than that, we offer a friendly ear, ensuring that those who may have few contacts in their day-to-day life feel heard, valued, and connected. Our Friendly Caller Program is run by kind volunteers who love connecting with people and helping others feel seen and respected.

Intergenerational Connections

The EMOW Friendly Caller Program is a beacon of intergenerational friendship. Volunteers, coordinated through the University of Alberta Community Supported Learning Placement, bring warmth and companionship through private chats with individuals. It’s about sharing experiences, talking about the day, or simply letting someone know that they are in the thoughts of a friendly voice.

Who Can Join?

This program is open to everyone, and you don’t need to be an EMOW client to sign up. Whether you’re signing up for yourself, a family member, or someone you know who could benefit from a friendly call, anyone can join. Meal delivery volunteers can also recommend individuals for the program.

How to Sign Up

Signing up is as easy as a friendly chat! If you or someone you know would appreciate a call, simply contact us at 780-429-2020. We’ll take the time to understand your circumstances, recommend a suitable cadence (up to once a week), and customize the calls based on your needs. Your comfort is our priority, and we’re here to ensure that every conversation brings joy, connection, and a friendly voice to you or your loved one.

Join us in fostering a community where no one feels alone. The EMOW Friendly Caller Program works to create moments of warmth, understanding, and genuine connection. We look forward to chatting with you soon!